Clinique Maymard

Patient rights and information

The right to information

The Users' Commission

The decree (no. 2005-213 of 2 March 2005) defines the composition and operating procedures of the CDU (Commission des Usagers). This commission is set up in each public or private health establishment and ensures that users' rights are respected and facilitates their procedures.

Medical confidentiality

The clinic and all its staff are bound by medical secrecy : they take steps to ensure that your medical information remains completely confidential.

Access to medical records

A medical file is kept at the clinic. It contains all the health information concerning you. You can access this information by making a written request to the management, enclosing a photocopy of your identity card.

This information can be given to you either directly or through a doctor of your choice. You may also consult your file on site, with or without the assistance of a doctor, as you wish.

The information requested in this way cannot be made available to you until at least 48 hours after your request, but it must be sent to you within 8 days at the latest. However, if the information is more than 5 years old, this period is extended to 2 months.

If you choose to consult the file on site, this consultation is free of charge.

If you wish to obtain a copy of all or part of the information in your file, , you must pay the cost of reproduction (and postage if you wish to have it sent to your home address).

If you would like to know more about the rules governing access to your medical file, an information sheet is available in your department.

Trusted support person

During your stay, you may designate, in writing, a trusted member of your family to accompany you throughout your care and the decisions to be taken.

This person, whom the establishment will consider to be your trusted support person, will be consulted if you are unable to express your wishes or receive the necessary information to do so. If you so wish, this person will also be able to attend medical interviews so that he or she can take part in decisions concerning you. Please note that you can cancel your designation or change its terms at any time.

If you would like to find out more about the trusted support person, an information sheet is available in the departments and at the Admissions Office.

Note: PERSON OF TRUST may be different from PERSON TO CONTACT.

Consumer complaints and mediation

All complaints must be sent in writing to the establishment's quality department by e-mail: or by post: Polyclinique Maymard - 13 Rue Marcel Paul - 20200 Bastia. If the request for a complaint to the quality department fails within one month, the patient may submit the dispute with the establishment to the mediator free of charge within a maximum period of one year from the date of the written complaint. The mediator will attempt, independently and impartially, to bring the parties together with a view to finding an amicable solution.

The mediator's contact details are as follows

  • ANM Consommation, an association under the law of 1901
  • Online:
  • E-mail:
  • By post: Médiation de la Consommation ANM Consommation 02 rue de Colmar à Vincennes 94300.

The mediator may be contacted by e-mail, online or by post. In addition to their full contact details (surname, first name, contacts) and the written complaint that they must first have sent to the establishment's quality department to try to resolve their dispute directly, patients are encouraged to provide the following information to the mediator:

  • The nature of the request
  • A statement and description of the dispute
  • All documents and factual evidence useful to the mediator's understanding and analysis of the case.


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Coming to the centre / Contact us

Polyclinique Maymard

How to get here

By car
By car

To get to the clinic, take rue Marcel Paul for about 200 metres and you'll find our establishment on your left. Click here for more details.

Contact us


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Tel: 04 95 55 39 39
Pre-admission phone number: 04 95 55 39 00


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Polyclinique Maymard

13 Rue Marcel Paul
20200 Bastia

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Sustainable development

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our CSR approach is transversal, operational and aims to be as close as possible to the field.
Organ Donation

Organ and Blood Donations

More than 14400 patients who need an organ transplant every year. The main obstacle to transplantation is the persistent lack of available organs.