Clinique Maymard

Your stay at the Polyclinique Maymard

Our clinic staff will ensure that your stay is as comfortable as possible. All are available to help you and your family meet your expectations.

Private rooms

When you are admitted or during your pre-anaesthetic visit for scheduled operations, if you wish to have a private room, you must make a specific request to the reception desk. This
will be allocated to you subject to the establishment's availability.

If your mutual insurance company does not cover this service, you will have to pay for it at the time of discharge: €50* per day in surgery and medicine; agreements with mutual insurance companies). You will be asked to confirm your choice in writing.


An automatic terminal is available in the reception hall (level 0). Rates are at the discretion of the service provider. Cash and credit cards are accepted for payment. You must arrive before 7pm.


A patient wifi network is available; connection details can be obtained on request from the reception desk at the reception desk.


Meals are prepared on site by our kitchen team. Menus are drawn up with the help of a dietician. Patients' diets are recorded by the care team on entry to the ward and passed on to the kitchen. Meals are served on a rota basis:

  • Breakfast: from 7.30 am
  • Lunch: from 11.30 am
  • Dinner: from 6.30pm

Drinks, sweets & snacks

Vending machines for hot and cold drinks are available on the upper ground floor (near the outpatients department). A vending machine for snacks and sweets is also available at the same location.

Specific services for accompanying persons

Accompanying beds are available in private rooms. This service is included in the price of the
single room. A meal for accompanying persons may also be served in your room on an exceptional basis. Tickets for this service to this service are on sale at the reception desk on the lower ground floor (lobby level 0).

You will need to give the ticket to the service staff no later than :

  • 11:00 for lunch
  • 17:00 for dinner

The phone

A telephone with an access code will be available to you whether you are in a double room or a private room.
To use this line, you must go to reception. The cost of your calls will be invoiced on discharge. The use of mobile phones may be restricted in certain areas of the establishment.

The hairdresser

If you need one, our reception desk will provide you with a list of home hairdressers who can work in our establishment. The terms of payment for this service are at the sole discretion of the hairdresser you choose.


Depending on the case, you will be asked to pay a deposit in the form of a deposit cheque, which will be returned to you either on the day of departure when you have paid the remaining costs, or it will be sent to you at your home once you have agreed to be agreement.


Your relatives and friends are welcome. Their presence is a great comfort to you. For reasons of hygiene, children under the age of 5 are not allowed to visit.
However, in order to facilitate your care and to respect the rest of your neighbors, please ask them to limit their visits to the following times the following times:

  • 11am to 9pm
  • 7 days a week in all hospital wards

These visits may be limited at your request or that of the doctor responsible for your care.


The list and contact details of ministers of religion are available from reception.

Your supportive care

We work with salaried or self-employed professionals who can intervene at your request or that of the doctor, such as physiotherapists, psychologists, dieticians or social workers.

If you need any assistance, please inform the nursing team on your ward.


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Coming to the centre / Contact us

Polyclinique Maymard

How to get here

By car
By car

To get to the clinic, take rue Marcel Paul for about 200 metres and you'll find our establishment on your left. Click here for more details.

Contact us


Call Us

Tel: 04 95 55 39 39
Pre-admission phone number: 04 95 55 39 00


Send us an email:

Click here
Polyclinique Maymard

13 Rue Marcel Paul
20200 Bastia

Our commitments

Sustainable development

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our CSR approach is transversal, operational and aims to be as close as possible to the field.
Organ Donation

Organ and Blood Donations

More than 14400 patients who need an organ transplant every year. The main obstacle to transplantation is the persistent lack of available organs.